Monday, December 31, 2007

Tough Times Never Last But Tough People Do-Robert H.Schuller

Here’s How You Can Be Tough Too!

What is the secret ingredient of tough people that enables them to succeed? Why do they survive the tough times when others are overcome by them? Why do they soar when others sink?

According to Robert Schuller, the difference between those who win and those who don’t, is the application of the powerful concept of ‘Possibility Thinking’. Winners dare to dream. They commit themselves to it. They dare to try, to take risk. They believe ‘If it’s going to be, its up to me’. They understand that failure is an event not a person. They never quit.
In this international bestseller Dr. Robert Schuller translates his philosophy of ‘Possibility Thinking’ into an action plan for success and demonstrates how to turn your dreams into success, setbacks into new beginnings, and successes into newer possibilities.


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