Thursday, December 27, 2007


Number: The Language of Science, The Masterpiece Science Edition

Number: The Language of Science, The Masterpiece Science Edition

Publisher: Pi Press

Date: March 10, 2005

Pages: 416


From the rudimentary mathematical abilities of prehistoric man to the counterintuitive and bizarre ideas at the edges of modern math, this masterpiece of science writing tells the story of mathematics through the history of its most central concept: number.

Sweeping in scope, Number is an open doorway into the world of math. Dantzig explains the foundations of mathematics with ease, and eloquently explores deeper philosophical questions that arise along the way. He describes the properties of all kinds of numbers -- integers, primes, irrationals, transcendentals, and more. He explains the significance of zero, and shows that its invention had revolutionary consequences for arithmetic. He shows how the invention of symbols for use in algebra -- a radical departure from tradition at the time -- ushered in a new era of math; how arithmetic and geometry reflect each other; and how calculus uses infinity to model the continuity of space and time.

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Limits of Science and the Science of Limits

Impossibility: The Limits of Science and the Science of Limits

Publisher: Oxford University Press

Date: 1998

Pages: 279


Both scientists and philosophers are much concerned with impossibilities. Scientists like to show that things widely held to be impossible are in fact entirely possible; philosophers by contrast are more inclined to show that things widely regarded as perfectly feasable are in fact impossible. Yet, paradoxically, science is only possible because some things are impossible.

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